Sitemap - 2024 - Ecstatic Integration

Psychedelic pill-shaming

Soneira and the scramble for ibogaine

The books that inspired me

Kat Torres, spiritual influencer, jailed for human trafficking

Ethical dilemmas facing psychedelic schools

New Age parenting and the risk of spiritual projection

Inside Jonathan Robinson's MDMA course

Elon enters the MDMA wars

Tales from the occulture

Lykos rallies the troops

What psychedelia can learn from Clusterbusters

Can support groups make psychedelic culture safer?

Jonathan Robinson's Zoom MDMA therapy

Hopeful signs for the psychedelic renaissance

MAPS / Lykos: who is to blame and what happens next?

D-Day for the psychedelic industry?

A new wave of psychedelic art

Amanda Knox on resilience after trauma

The revival of magic

Can MDMA lead to extended difficulties?

MAPS, Massachusetts & deep meditation

How to cope with post-psychedelic difficulties

On life experts

Roger 'Mukanranko' Bardales, international brujo

We don't talk about brujos

The psychedelic industry's entity dilemma

Internal Family Systems, Unattached Burdens, and spirit possession

3 ways to build a psychedelic safety net

Does Dionysian Gestalt have an abuse problem?

The battle over harm reduction

How a Gestalt school became an abusive high-control group

Psychedelic cults: a new chapter and an event

Two cases of extended difficulties after Braxia's psilocybin TRD trial

Successfully treating C-PTSD with psychedelic therapy

The Inner Healer and the Inner Critic

RFK Jr's maloca of mystical politics

Five reservations about psychedelic therapy

Blessed are the sense-makers

Psychedelic cults

What are the ethical implications of the Ben Sessa case?

Oregon's wild psilocybin market

We need new clinics to support people with post-psychedelic difficulties

Did Compass minimize adverse experiences in its psilocybin trial?

The risks of underground psychedelic training programmes

Are new psychedelic guides trained for adverse events?

The Psychedelic Defence

Trouble in Paradise

Drug-enhanced separation

Spontaneous psychic awakenings

Unwanted personality changes after psychedelics

Psychedelic therapy & the Metaphysical Menu

Congrats Oz, now prepare the safety net

Was Marcia Moore murdered?

The mysterious death of the ketamine priestess

A theology of 'meh' experiences

The timeless moment

How to communicate the risks of psychedelics?

Is 'integration' always the right term for coping with post-psychedelic difficulties?